Orange Creations
This page is just for fun. I’m obsessed with the color orange. Here are some of the things I made that are orange.
JT2: Temple of Orange

I’ve built the Temple of Orange for fun in the JT2 server in Luanti at coordinates (130, 9, -530). This is a building made out of orange wool. The tree in the middle is surrounded by bronze pedestals showing off various orange items available in the game.
My goal here was to show off every orange item in the game. And I succeeded! I’m quite proud of this building.
These images were taken on 15/01/2022.

mtPlace: It spreads!

mtPlace was a Luanti server in which you have a flat canvas of 512×512 pixels. Players can color each pixels by choosing one of 24 colors.
What is shown here is my attempt to “corrupt” the canvas by spreading orange as far as possible.
This image was taken at 26/03/2023.
Me & My Shadow
Orange theme

A humorous theme I created for Me & My Shadow in 2012. I posted it here.